Burnt Toast
Teri Hatcher's memoirs left me with just a very strong sense of taste (and smell!) of burning toast - and no pearls of wisdom.
Agreed that she is trying to be a good mother and tries really hard to do the right thing and not repeat the mistakes her parents made while she was growing up,which would make all mothers identify with her but there is just no zing in the book..
It meanders a lot- the point of which I guess is to reflect Ms Hatcher's thought processes -but,with not much to hold you attention anyway, it just causes one to lose focus entirely.
And strangely,there is a constant strain of how OLD she feels at 40..I mean,isn't 40 the new 30?!
So much for looking forward to life beginning at 40! ;o)
Although there a few funny bits, it's nothing that'll change your view of life .
Entirely missable.
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