C'est La Vie!

Life...or something like that

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Its Shoots and Lives

Its Chutes and Leaves

Its Chutes and Lives

Eats Chutes and Leaves

Its Shoots and Leaves

Eats Shoots and Lives

Eats Shoots and Leaves

Is it ok to be 'discrete' when I really want to be 'discreet'?

Wouldn't a careless placing of 'hypotension' in place of 'hypertension' result in a serious case of misdiagnosis?

And one glance at 'Chainees Food' is sufficient to drive away all my appetite for Chinese cuisine (which is particularly painful because it is one of my favorite cuisines)

Granted that the 'Chainees Food' joint was a street-side stall and the owner, in all probability, was never taught English, so it is understandable in a way, but to see 'privileged' people admitting to being 'priveleged' on paper makes me want to sock someone in the face!

Why are we so careless about spellings?

Why has a regular spellchecker tool gone from being an aid to being a crutch?

How many of us are confident of sending out an email without running a spell-check first?

Lynn Truss has taken up cudgels to fight the cause of Punctuation (http://eatsshootsandleaves.com) but methinks we have a problem, a big problem, one rung lower - word formation.

Do we really need a 'Spell Correct' movement for people to take notice?

I was shocked to hear my cousin was given a serious dressing down in school for wearing unpolished shoes but got off with hardly a reprimand for 'therepy'.
Some therapy, I must say!

If Lynn Truss is a stickler for correct punctuation, I'm a stickler for correct spellings.

I find it visually disturbing to read an incorrectly spelt word and to be faced with this :

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid!

Perfect recipe for a slow, persistent headache!

And yet a spelling mistake is casually dismissed as a 'typo' and laughed off.

Standards are being lowered at an alarming rate with emailing and txt msging growing to be as necessary as breathing.

Will we have a whole generation unaware of the fact that 'ur' , 'gr8', 'ata2ud' is completely 'nkorekt' and frankly, very 'anoyN'??

Yesterday while in conversation with a colleague, I was told that it is alright to make spelling mistakes as long as you get your point across.

I beg to disagree.

If I have to read a research paper on Tribology (a study of design, friction, wear, and lubrication of interacting surfaces in relative motion) and am faced with Tribeology (which doesn't mean anything!) in place of Tribology, I'm going to find that very hard to forgive!

My firm belief is that in English, you can't spell with your ears; you have to spell with your eyes.

And yes, I like pandas. They eat shoots and leaves.


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